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Introduction: My first blog and why I made it

Hi, I'm Denise, at this moment of writing (2014), 19 years of age. I've been writing officially (I call it official since I became part of the school publication) since I was in 6th grade.

This is my "first" blog. First being in double quotation marks because even before this, I had done one, but I don't think it was ever really published, more like a blog only for my eyes. I don't even know what happened to it. Anyway, here in this blog I will be posting all my poems, quotations, short stories, maybe even my novelettes, anything that floats my boat. I will also include my letterings, maybe some sketches or stuff. Everything related to the pen that I can think of. :)

I started this blog, as suggested by my friends because they knew that I love to write. Well, I considered it, and thought it might be a good idea. Since I wanted to keep a close copy of all my works. I even wrote them in a small notebook that I usually bring with me, but still, having a copy on the worldwide web would be good too. I also think that it would be nice to share my works with other people. I write to express my feelings, and I think that there would be people out there who could relate to the things I write about, maybe even help them or provide some insight. I know that at the moment, most topics seem to be about love, unrequited at that, but I will endeavor to post other writings about different topics. I will work to post all my works from the past up to my present ones, and hopefully, those of you reading will find some that you could connect to. Hope you all enjoy the things in this blog. Thanks for reading! :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

You are in love

If you were to choose between 3 doors, each having a different color, and each leading to different paths. What would you choose? Perhaps, you would find it hard to decide, but that is normal, because no one could be entirely sure of what path he/she should take.

There are a lot of things in this world that we are unsure of. That's why we-as we think we could map out our lives-often make assumptions long before the finale even makes its first marker. That's just the way we are, it's just how we prepare ourselves for any kind of incident that we might come upon in life.

So then, the question arises. What must we do in a situation given many choices to choose from?

Simple, just do what your mind and your heart tells you to do. In chances of a dichotomous situation, then decide for yourself what you think is the best path to take. And don't regret your decision because it may have failed you at first but it will play a much bigger role in the future.

Why am I saying all of these? Because i want you to get a good look at life the way it is, before we move on to a much complicated aspect of it. Which aspect, you ask? Oh, nothing that you haven't experienced yet. Just Love.

LOVE, what a simple word, isn't it? Yet, simple as it is, it's practically almost indefinable. Yes, indefinable, because whatever we say about love is never really sure. It can be true for one person and utterly false for the other.

So, what about love can we be sure of? Almost nothing, right? But this, I can say is true, when you've felt it, it'll change you forever. Although not the whole of you, but surely, a part of you-no matter how big or how small it is-has changed.

So, when can we say that we're in love?

There is practically no way to be absolutely sure, but there are pointers on how to see a glimpse of the existence of your feelings:

1.       You'll know you have feelings for him/her, if you find yourself wanting to see him/her every day.
2.       You almost never get bored of him/her, and even in silence, you are content just being with him/her.
3.       You don't feel the need to impress him/her, and you feel easy being with him/her because you can be yourself.
4.       Being away from each other doesn't lessen your longing for him/her. And when you finally see him/her again, it was as if he/she was never away in the first place.
5.       No matter how angry you are at him/her, you always find yourself forgiving him/her, even when you said you wouldn't.
6.       (If you're together) when you have quarrels with him/her, though you are so mad, the idea of a break-up still repulses you.
7.       Whenever you think of the future ahead of you, (woman) you often see yourself arm-in-arm with your mother and father, walking together toward the altar, and him waiting as you cross the distance between the two of you. (man) you see yourself dressed in white, and smiling triumphantly at her as she and her parents walk up toward the altar so her parents could give their daughter's hand to you.
8.       You wish that time won't pass when you're together, hoping to lengthen the moment.
9.       You're willing to suffer in his/her place. And you're willing to fight for him/her, if the need arises.
10.   A kiss from him/her is enough to make your day.
11.   You can't imagine your life without him anymore, and if you do, you find the idea repulsive.
12.   You'd rather spend a day with him/her than an eternity with someone else.

Those are only some pointers, and they are not always true for everyone, but one thing I can say, when you fall in love, you just fall. You don't need to expend much effort for it to happen. The feeling is magical. But when the magic fades out and you find yourself choosing to love even when you don't feel like doing it, then you can say that you're experiencing true love. Because true love can only happen after you've fallen in and out of love, and continue to love without prompt. That's true love. So, when you start to feel these, my friend, truly, you are in love.

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