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Introduction: My first blog and why I made it

Hi, I'm Denise, at this moment of writing (2014), 19 years of age. I've been writing officially (I call it official since I became part of the school publication) since I was in 6th grade.

This is my "first" blog. First being in double quotation marks because even before this, I had done one, but I don't think it was ever really published, more like a blog only for my eyes. I don't even know what happened to it. Anyway, here in this blog I will be posting all my poems, quotations, short stories, maybe even my novelettes, anything that floats my boat. I will also include my letterings, maybe some sketches or stuff. Everything related to the pen that I can think of. :)

I started this blog, as suggested by my friends because they knew that I love to write. Well, I considered it, and thought it might be a good idea. Since I wanted to keep a close copy of all my works. I even wrote them in a small notebook that I usually bring with me, but still, having a copy on the worldwide web would be good too. I also think that it would be nice to share my works with other people. I write to express my feelings, and I think that there would be people out there who could relate to the things I write about, maybe even help them or provide some insight. I know that at the moment, most topics seem to be about love, unrequited at that, but I will endeavor to post other writings about different topics. I will work to post all my works from the past up to my present ones, and hopefully, those of you reading will find some that you could connect to. Hope you all enjoy the things in this blog. Thanks for reading! :)

Friday, January 6, 2017

Seven Ages

Maybe I'm the one for you, and you're the one for me
But how will we ever know if we never even try to solve this mystery?
We can take the chance or we can let it pass
But don't you think it's worth exploring if there could be an us?

Have you never wondered at all, taken notice at all?
Or maybe I still have much to do to get over your wall.
I know I've yet to ignite the spark inside your heart
But somehow in your mind I'd eventually hold my own part.

And since 1+1=2, and we know that the integral of e dx is e
Then maybe you might see what a match to each other we could be
When nerds of similar interests meet,
Don't you think even corn can turn sweet?

So if you ever see our weirdness' compatibility
If God so opens your eyes and you finally look at me
Perhaps then I could finally make you understand and believe
That a non-superficial and unselfish love can exist beyond Adam and Eve.

But know that I know you're still in stage two, and still have much to finish and do
And to be completely honest, the same goes for me too.
I may have finished school before your way even got mid.
But my life is still in the process of becoming how I planned it.

So I'm not rushing you, no, we can take our sweet time
And let this music of ours find its natural beat and rhyme
Because if it's meant to be, if you are indeed the one for me
God will make a way, darling, for you and me to end up as "we".

And if it turns out that this match up will end in shambles
If it so happens that I am just Adler to your Holmes
But still, I'd like to try it to the end, and see what could be destined
Will we diverge, or converge in a stage three sequel up to stage seven?

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